Mulan Award for Ting Zhang – an accolade to recognize her contributions to business

Congratulations to our very own Ting Zhang, founder and CEO of, for a special accolade – Mulan Award 2023 under the Highly Commended in Contribution to Business category.

The past 23 years found her devoting her time and career building business bridges between UK and China, using her trademark energy and resilience to boost and drive bilateral trade and investments., the first online marketplace for the China trade sector, was launched in 2017, with a mission to make the provision of cross border services more efficient. It has grown into a multi-platform service business with three core portfolios: strategic consultancy, intellectual property and digital platform.

We continue to facilitate companies, education institutions and research organizations, on both sides, wanting to expand their markets here in the UK and over in China.

Recent developments include the launch of an innovative new business model to enable UK IP owners to better protect and commercialise their technologies in China.

Throughout all, Ting remains passionate about supporting women in the workplace, guiding our female employees to develop and maximise their potential irrespective of what stage of their career they are at.

“I was inspired by the speech by Lady Cherie Blair CBE, K.C. who reminds us to not only to stay true to our vision but also the importance of self-care. Many thanks for the hard work in organising the awards and dinner by the Mulan Foundation trustees. I owe big thanks to my team at for their hard work and support,” said Ting, reflecting on the gala ceremony.

The Mulan Foundation Network was formally launched as a charity on 31 October 2013. Each year it presents awards to women of Chinese Heritage in the UK in recognition of their outstanding achievements under various categories.

Well done, Ting! We are very proud of you!